Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's been a Meow

It's been awhile since my last post.  I'm happy to report that we are all still alive despite the revolving door of sickness - everything from stomach bugs to strep throat to colds that never end.  I was reminded the other day that I haven't posted any good stories in awhile and I assure you it is not from lack of content but entirely lack of motivation.  Now, on to the story...

Last night at dinner, Ella was being true to her fussy self and refusing to eat her food.  Cristina, the sweet child that she is, was trying to coax pasta and salad into Ella.  She would hand Ella her food and Ella would push it away and started fussing and jabbering away in quite the annoyed tone.  Finally, Cristina got annoyed with Ella being so disagreeable and uninterested in her assistance.  So, she says, "Ella, I can't even speak baby.  I only speak cat."  Then, she gets down from the table, walks out into the livingroom, drops on all fours, and begins meowing like a cat.

Just last week, Cristina was padding around the house pretending to be a dog.  She was inspired by Disney's Bolt and kept dropping to all fours to let out a "super bark."  Now, if you have seen the movie, Bolt, you will know that the "super bark" is the process of Bolt setting each paw down on the ground in a wide stance with a bit of flair followed by a powerful bark.  So, just imagine little Cristina on all fours announcing her SUPER BARK, while firmly planting her feet and hands - one at a time - in a wider stance on the floor followed by her barking.  I promise you it is hilarious.  I wish I had video of this for the future.