Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Redefining Productivity

I had to remind myself for the billionth time today that it unrealistic to wish for a productive evening with a colicky baby.  I have this issue where I want to be productive every day.  When I was home on maternity leave, Brian thought I was crazy because I was complaining that I wasn't being very productive.  Being the reasonable human that he is, he figured breastfeeding, diaper changing, and keeping Ella relatively happy was being productive.  On the other hand, I dreamed of organizing the girl's toys, sorting through old clothes, setting up a yard sale, and finally cleaning off the top of our dresser.

Since I have returned to work, my productivity level at home has really plummeted.  Since Ella enjoys fussing from 6 p.m. until she passes out late in the evening, it is virtually impossible for me to get anything done.  As I type this, she is laying next to me on the bed, her body pressed against my thigh to trick her that I'm holding her.  I'm itching to do something productive - unpack the suitcase from our trip this weekend, sort Ella's baby pictures, or even clean the room.  Unfortunately, I am chained to the bed.

So, I'm trying to redefine productivity in my mind.  I'm going to give myself gold stars for brushing my teeth before I fall asleep.  I'll pat myself on my back for not giving in and just going to sleep when Ella does every night.  I'll congratulate myself for making it through the night without getting puked on.  Heck, I'll even reward myself for putting my dinner plate in the sink before beginning my evening bedtime battles with Ella.  Aahh.....I'm feeling really productive tonight.   

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