Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Importance of Listening Well

When you have small children at home, you have to really concentrate on what they are saying to be sure that you hear them correctly.  Case in point:

Scene: Cristina, Ella, and I are all on my bed.  I'm holding Ella and Cristina is sitting next to me.

Cristina: Iwannakillher.

Me: Huh!!?

Cristina: Iwanna killElla.

Me: You want to do what?

Cristina: I wanna carry Ella.

Me: Whew!  Ok.

This is an actual true experience.  It was one of those times when you really hope you didn't hear what you think you heard.  Cristina has this tendency to talk with a very high voice and string all her words together into one long word.  It makes it very difficult sometimes to figure out what she is saying. When you combine that with the fact that I can barely hear over the constant din of other kid's laughing/talking/crying, the dishwasher running, the TV or music blasting, and the voices in my head, listening well and asking clarifying questions are even more important.

1 comment:

  1. Your stories make me laugh - mostly because I can so relate. :)
    Emily Fiore
