Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Charlotte's New Skill

Last night, Charlotte wanted me to help her learn how to ride Emma's bike without training wheels.  So, I was holding the bike steady while she pedaled and then letting go for her to go on her own.  She'd get a little ways before crashing onto the driveway.  Apparently, she practiced a bit this afternoon and was finally able to get the hang of it herself. So, tonight, she wanted me to come outside and watch her ride around the driveway.

She got a bit of stage fright showing off her new skill.  She kept starting off at the same point next to the swing and when she couldn't get going like she wanted, she would bring the bike back to the top of the driveway to try again.  At one point, she was getting a little exasperated and she said, "My feet are being so selfish right now.  They just don't want to get on the pedals like they need to."

After a few minutes of trying, she finally got back in the rhythm and was flying around the driveway on the bike.  Then, she tells me, "My feet are jealous of me because I control my whole body."  She seriously cracks me up!

So excited to be riding a bike without training wheels.

Charlotte dancing with Ella

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