Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Conversations in our house are often hard to follow because of all the interruptions and each of the girls trying to jump in the conversation. I feel like a referee fielding questions from both sides of the court when talking with the girls. Take this conversation for example.

Emma: Is there a civil rights leader named Helen Keller who was deaf and blind?

Me: There was a woman named Helen Keller who was deaf and blind. I guess she might be considered a civil rights leader.

Charlotte: What does deaf and blind mean?

Me: Deaf means you can't hear and blind means you can't see.

Charlotte: Well, if you are blind, you can't really do anything.

Me: Well, some people who are blind use canes to help them get around.

Emma: Cocaine? I thought that was a drug?

Me: Not cocaine, canes - kind of like a stick.

Charlotte:  Like a man-made stick or one found in nature?

Me: They are usually man-made.

Emma: So was she a civil rights leader or not?  That's what I read in the book during math class.

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