Sunday, June 10, 2012

Memorial Day

I meant to post this awhile back, but keep forgetting this little Memorial Day tidbit.

Emma: Why do you get off for Memorial Day anyway?

Me:  It is the day that we recognize and appreciate people that have fought for our country.  You know, like soldiers.  We have lots of family who were in the military.

Brian:  Yeah, like Uncle Jerry.  You know how I told you that Uncle Jerry was in the Army?

Emma: What army was he in?

Brian: The United States Army.

Emma: No, I mean like what army did he fight in? You know, was he in the Civil War?

Brian (to overcome with laughter to respond)

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how much my office enjoys the wisdom of your girls. :) I share frequently so we can have a giggle.
