Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Random Christmas Comments

With Christmas fast approaching, there has been lots of talk about the holiday in the house.  Being the good mom that I am, I have been reminding the girls to behave themselves, so that Santa will bring them presents.  Well, the other night, Charlotte and Emma were running around the house screaming as usual and this was our conversation:

Me: Girls!  You need to settle down.
Girls: (Continuing to run around like maniacs.)
Me: There isn't going to be any Christmas around here if you don't behave.  You have to be good, so Santa will bring you presents.
Charlotte: Christmas isn't about Santa, it's about Jesus.  If Santa doesn't come, we'll still have Christmas.
Girls: (Commence running around like maniacs.)

Yesterday, I picked Emma up from school and took her to buy presents for her sisters for Christmas.  On the way home, we had this conversation in the van:

Emma: Mom, did you know that Bube doesn't believe in Santa Claus?
Me: Oh, really.  (Thinking: Uh, oh!)
Emma: Yeah, and Raquel and Anushka don't either.  There are other kids that don't either.
Me (trying to be all casual): Huh. 
Emma: They said there is no such thing as Santa and that it is really your parents.
Me: Oh.  (Thinking: Oh my goodness!  Is this the end!!?? I'm so glad she can't see my face.)
Emma: Well, I believe in Santa.   You know why?  Last year, when Cristina got that car for Christmas, it had a tag on it that said "From Santa."  Who else is going to do that?  I mean really.  Parents aren't going to do that.  That is just silly.  I don't care what they say.  I told them they were wrong.
Me: Ok.

Emma and Charlotte have both been talking about American Girl dolls for Christmas.  They both really want one.  Emma wants one that looks like her and Charlotte wants one that looks like her and maybe Josefina or Rebecca.  They have been studying the American Girl magazine for the last few weeks.

Charlotte: Oh, I want this doll and this outfit and this pet and this....
Emma: Charlotte, you know that is like $500 dollars or something.  Probably a thousand dollars.
Charlotte: So what?
Emma: You are going to have to ask Santa for it because there is no way we can get something that expensive.
Charlotte: Well, if Santa is bringing it, it doesn't matter how much it costs.
Emma: Yeah, we're going to have to ask Santa for this stuff because it is WAY TOO expensive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now reading this and you have cracked me up! ... love hearing about your kids. They are hilarious!
