Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions - Kid Version

So, last night, I thought it would be fun to have dinner on our fine china, toast the new year in with some sparkling grape juice, and talk to the girls about New Year's Resolutions.  The girls were thrilled with the sparkling grape juice enough to make me wonder if they are going to grow up to be little lushes.  They really enjoyed toasting each other, while we waited on the baked ziti to cool off.  (I've given up on collard greens and black eyed peas bringing me prosperity in the new year.)

Anyway, I told them we were going to talk about resolutions for 2012.  Of course, the first thing out of their mouths..."What are resolutions?"  I explained that resolutions are goals for the year - something that you would like to do.

Emma's resolutions: 1) To go to Chuck E. Cheese's.  2) To go to the World of Coke.

Charlotte's resolution: To go to a fancy restaurant and do cheers.  (By cheers, she means toast everyone at the table - not act like a cheerleader and draw unnecessary attention to our table.)

Cristina's resolution: I don't want to do anything.  (This is pretty much what she does already, so I'd say she is set to accomplish this one.)

I said that Ella's resolution should be to start walking.  Emma looked at me like I was crazy and suggested that she needed to learn how to crawl first.  Brian commented that Emma's resolutions are a lot like mine - very realistic and manageable to accomplish - unlike his own, which are usually grandiose like lose 100 pounds or renovate the entire house.

After chatting for a bit, I explained to the girls that resolutions weren't just about places you want to go, but something you could do to be a better kid.  Charlotte and Emma then got very excited and said they could go to the American Girl store more often. I couldn't help but shake my head.  Clearly, I wasn't going to get any promises out of them to keep their room clean or be nicer to their sisters.

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