Sunday, August 12, 2012


Tonight, Emma and Charlotte were talking to me about the first day of school.  The conversation quickly turned to bullying.

Charlotte: I'm excited about kindergarten, but I'm a little worried about bullying.

Emma: You should be because I've been bullied a ton.

Me: You have?

Emma: Remember that kid in first grade who was always teasing me?

Me: Oh, yeah, Andrew.  (Sidenote: He's a mean little kid.  Once when I was volunteering with his mother in Emma's classroom, he yells at her, "Where the fu@# were you?  I needed....")

Emma: He was so mean.

Charlotte: Well, did he go to the principal's office?

Emma: He had to sit in the time out chair.

Me: You  need to be prepare to tell a bully that you don't like it and you want them to stop, so they know that they can't keep bullying you.  You can say something like - I don't appreciate what you are saying and I'm not going to listen to you anymore.  Then, just walk away.

Charlotte:  Well, I know what I am going to say if someone bullies me.

Me: Practice what you are going to say.

Charlotte:  What you are saying to me is inappropriate.  Bullying is not nice.  This conversation is over.  I'm still on God's side.  You should be too because God is about love and loving children.  God is not about bullying.   This conversation is over.

Me: That's good, Charlotte.

Charlotte: Well, I'm still excited about kindergarten.  I hope no one bullies me tomorrow because that will just....just ruin my day and I will not like it.

I hope the girls both have a great day and they don't run into any bullies.  I've been talking about this with Emma for awhile because she isn't very good about standing up for herself - she clearly takes after me too much. Charlotte, on the other hand, has never been one to keep her opinion to herself, so I'd honestly expect her to tell off any kid that tries to push her around.  She has been threatening for years to beat up the kids that pick on Emma!

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