Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy birthday to us!

When I got home from work, Emma and Charlotte were eager to make a presentation for our anniversary.  They had Brian and I sit on the couch and close our eyes, while they brought us a limited edition card and gift.  The gift was two rings - one handcrafted especially for Brian by Emma and the other a cupcake topper for me.

Emma: Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary!

Cristina (Quite exuberantly): Happy birthday!  Happy birthday!

Emma: It's not their birthday.  It is their anniversary.

Me: It's okay.  Today is like the birthday of our wedding.  We've been married for 13 years.

Charlotte: Bravo!  Bravo!

Then, Emma had us close our eyes again while she brought out another surprise. CONFETTI!  What a gift....all over the living room floor.  Then, she sang a "Happy Anniversary" song that she wrote all by herself.

Afterwards, Brian and I decided we should go out to dinner as a family in celebration of our anniversary.  Charlotte suggested we pick the restaurant, while Emma was lobbying very hard for Chick-fil-A.  Emma is pretty smart when it comes to her persuasive arguments.  Her key points: 1) we could order without the kids distracting us, 2) we could eat in peace because they'd be on the playground and 3) we could all have ice cream for dessert.  In order to win out over Chick-fil-A, I suggested we all get dressed up fancy and eat at Taco Mac.  For those of you familiar with Taco Mac, it is definitely not five-star dining, but I'd say it is a step up from Chick-fil-A.

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