Monday, August 6, 2012

The Pot of Gold

Tonight, in the midst of our mourning over the loss of Belle Barbie, we were graced with a beautiful rainbow.  Emma came running into the house to tell us to come outside to see a rainbow.  So, Brian and I went outside to see it.  The girls were giddy with excitement.

I'm standing in the front yard talking with a neighbor and the girls are running up the street saying they are going to find the pot of gold.  Cristina comes back into the yard and grabs me around the legs and says, "Thank you for the rainbow, Mama."  I had to chuckle at that one.  Finally, the neighbor gets the hint that I want to go back inside before Ella gets bit by another mosquito and I yell at the girls to get back in the yard.

Charlotte comes dashing down the street and runs up to me.

Charlotte:  Mommy, can Emma and I please go look for the pot of gold?

Me: No, you need to stay in the yard.  You know you're not supposed to be walking up the hill by yourselves.

Charlotte: Please, Mama, I promise we'll be back by morning.

Me: No, Charlotte, you can't go.

Charlotte: I said I promise we'll be back by morning.

I about fell out.  Like I'm going to let my 5 year old and 8 year old go venturing off into the sunset looking for a pot of gold as long as they promise to be back by morning?!

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