Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

Emma and Charlotte have an ongoing feud regarding who gets to sit by me at the dinner table.  For the longest time, Charlotte sat on my left and Cristina sat on my right.  I guess one day Emma had enough of this arrangement and decided to boot Charlotte out of her seat.  She asked me one night if she could sit next to me at dinner.  I told her that was fine.  Charlotte was ticked that Emma was getting to sit by me.  I told Charlotte that Emma asked first, so she got to sit next to me.

You can imagine what happened next.  Whenever it was close to dinner time, one or the other would come racing into the kitchen to ask if they could sit next to me.  I'd say yes to whoever would ask me first.  A few times, Charlotte has asked me in the morning before I've gone to work, but usually they wait until the evening.

Fast forward to today....I am leaving work when I notice that I have a voicemail message on my cell phone.  I hit ignore because this is what I always do.  I'll decide if I want to listen to the message after I see who left it.  The missed call was from "My Home," so I decided I should check it to see if Brian needed me to pick something up on the way home from work.  I call to listen to the message and just barely audible, in a tiny whisper, I hear - "Mommy, can I sit next to you at dinner?"  Emma just used her newly acquired phone skills to one up Charlotte!

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