Friday, June 24, 2011

I wish I was 3

Charlotte: I wish I was three, so I'm three.

This is what Charlotte tells me when I come home from work today.  She is dancing in the livingroom to some song playing in her head.  I smile.  It reminds me of when I was a kid.  I remember wishing that I was someone else.  Then, I was convinced that I was someone else somewhere out there in the world. The "me" that remained was a new person.  This doesn't make a world of sense to me now, but it did as a kid.  If I wished something, it must be true. 

I recently read The Time Traveler's Wife, which I recommend if you like to read. In the book, one of the main characters, Henry, travels back and forth over time.  While I was reading the book, it reminded me of when I was a kid and wished that I could go back in time and change just one thing.  I'm not really sure why I could only change one thing.  I always put funny rules on things that I thought about when I was young. Anyway, I would debate all these things that I thought would change my life and make it better.  The wish that I often made was that my youngest uncle had never been born.  This is one of those chain of thoughts that follows like this....if he was never born, then my brother, T.J., would have never wanted to go to my grandma's house the day that he got run over by a car.  If he hadn't gotten run over by a car, then my parents wouldn't have had a lot of medical bills.  If they didn't have medical bills, then we would have had more money.  If we had more money, then we wouldn't have had to move out of the Big House.  Everything would have been better.  There were other reasons for this wish, but I'll save that for another day.

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