Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whatcha thinkin'?

I decided to start a blog.  I couldn't decide on a name, which reminded me of sage words from my graduate school advisor, Peter Magolda.  He said to me, "Kristina, you're a good writer, but your titles suck.  No one is going to pick up your papers to read them with the titles you give them."  He had a point.  I often titled my papers -"Application Paper" or "Reflection" - pretty much whatever the assignment was became a snazzy title for my work.  So, when it came time to title this blog, I figured I shouldn't even waste my brain power on an area that is clearly not my strength.  "Untitled" allows me to skip right to the writing and not be confined by any particular topic.

Now back to my original thought for this first blog entry.  Brian often asks me, "Whatcha thinkin?" I often answer, "nothing."  It's not because I am not thinking of something.  It's because I am generally thinking of so many things in rapid succession that it would be difficult to explain the exact thing I am thinking at that moment.  In the two or three minutes that we have to talk before being interrupted by one of our darling children, I just don't have the energy to explain all the things I am thinking.  The one time I attempted to really tell Brian what I was thinking, he was left with a dazed look on his face as if he had just been run down by a Mack truck.  It is just too much for a man to bear on a regular basis, so I spare us both by saying nothing.  So, I'll use this blog to share just some of the things that I am thinking - it's just too  hard to limit it to one subject.

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