Thursday, July 14, 2011

Charlotte's Musings about War and Orphans

I love listening to the girls talk just before they drift off to sleep.  It's like they are slowly processing all the things from their day and it is amazing what they come up with on their own.  Tonight, Charlotte had some interesting things to say about war and orphans.

Charlotte: Gepetto's wife was dead, so Pinocchio didn't have a mom.  She went to war and got dead.  She didn't even have a sword.  I wouldn't want to go to war.  I'd want to stay home.  I wouldn't want Daddy to go to war.  I want him to stay home, so we can all be safe.  If I had to go to war, I'd throw pies and fruit in the bad guys face.  That would be awesome.  If you were in a war, I'd come in a ship and save you.  I don't think girls have to go to war.  Only Peter Pan, right?

Charlotte: Some kids are not lucky.  They don't have a mom or a dad.  They have to do it all themselves.  (Shrugs.) They gotta fix their lunch.  Get their own money.  They don't have anything to eat.  They have to eat rocks....rock sandwiches made in nature.  They don't have a mom and dad.  They just aren't lucky.  If they eat rocks, they'll probably be dead.  Some parents don't have kids.  They aren't lucky either.

She went on and on about the kids without parents and people "getting dead in war."  It must have really been weighing on her mind.  No more Return to Neverland for Charlotte.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is like that too - getting obsessed she has heard, seen or learned about that day. Recently it has been tornadoes b/c we watched a clip from The Wizard of Oz on Youtube to see Dorothy sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. :)
