Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

Emma: I'm going to ask the Tooth Fairy for a magic wand, so I can wish for a thousand dollars and we can be the richest family ever.  Then, we can eat at Qdoba every day.

Emma came home from school one day and was telling us all about the Tooth Fairy at dinner.  At first I thought it was odd that she was talking about the Tooth Fairy, since we had never mentioned it at home and she still had all her teeth.  I caught on quickly when she started talking about her friends that got money from the Tooth Fairy.  That's when she told us that she was going to ask the Tooth Fairy for a magic wand, so she could wish for lots of money.  This is why I love Emma - she is so smart.  Why settle for a dollar, when you can wish for a magic wand and have money whenever you want it?

It was a few months after this that Emma finally lost her first tooth.  She was taking her evening bath with her sisters and they were goofing off.  Somehow Charlotte kneed Emma in the mouth and her tooth popped right out.  She was so happy!  She came running out of the bathroom to tell me what happened.  She couldn't wait to see what the Tooth Fairy would bring her.  Sadly, the Tooth Fairy must have been out of wands because Emma had to settle for a new toothbrush and a dollar.