Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Things I Don't Understand

From time to time, there are things that happen that I just don't get.  Things that I just can't quite wrap my head around no matter how much I try.  Here are just a few examples.

1) People who pass you on the interstate and then immediately slow down.  Similarly, people who pull out in front of you and go ten miles an hour.

2) Women who wear sandals where their toes are hanging over the front of the shoe.  This happens a lot in the summer.  I can't imagine this is comfortable.  Aren't their toes getting scraped on the ground?

3) Runners going the wrong way on the track.  Don't they realize that they are the only person running against all the traffic on the track?  Does it not cross their mind that they are doing something wrong?

4) People who think what they have to say is so important that the whole office, bus, train, etc. has to hear it.  Not only do I not understand this, but it annoys me to no end!

5) Traffic jams.  Living in Atlanta, this is a huge issue.  Why does traffic come to a standstill and then suddenly begin moving again as if nothing happened?  If everyone just went the speed limit, wouldn't this prevent traffic jams?  I just don't understand.

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